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This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. PRIVACY: We dislike spam as much as you do.  We will never share your email address with anyone and we promise not to over-email you.

What do I get when I sign up?

It’s an email club, we’ll send you emails like these…

Monthly Coupons

Monthly promotions or coupons to save you money and keep your wallet happy!

Love Beats

Some of the emails sent to you will contain what we call Lovebeats. Inspiration in a world of allergies.

Exclusive Deals

Some of the emails sent to you will surround a sale or collection only available to VIP Club subscribers.

Building Knowledge

Some of the emails sent to you will contain insider Pro makeup application tips, tricks and tutorials to improve your day.

Important Information

Like how to keep your lipsticks from growing mold, and why allergic reactions to makeup happen.

Get To Know Each other

We love you already! Some emails will contain fun quizzes that help us understand you, and your needs, better.

Sign up and save instantly!

All we ask is you give us 12 months to prove our devotion to you.

We love that you’re willing to give us a chance. It warms our heart you’ve read even this far. We know it’s a big ask for entry to your inbox, and it means the world to us you’re considering it.

The entire Red Apple team is devoted to your happiness.  We’ve spent almost a decade learning from you… …and believe me, we’re paying attention.

We hereby do solemnly swear to do our dead level best to never OVER-email you.  While it’s entirely possible that sometimes special event emails will overlap tutorials, or tips emails will overlap lovebeats, we promise to do our best to not deluge your inbox. We further do solemnly swear that your email address never leaves us.  We don’t sell or share your VIP Club Subscription information with anyone.  Here’s a link to our Privacy Policy